Tell us your April Fools' Day stories

Updated March 22, 2019
Tell us your April Fools' Day stories

April Fools’ Day is quickly approaching. We want to celebrate the shenanigans that you may have experienced in past years in the name of this celebration. Almost everyone has been either the source of or the recipient of some kind of prank during this right of spring. Please send us your favorite stories.

Tell us the funniest, the weirdest, or the silliest thing (within reason!) that you have experienced on past April Fools’ Days. Share with us how you were pranked, a story you heard, or how you decided to set someone up to generate a good-natured laugh.

If you have pictures PLEASE include them! We can blur out faces if you want. You can change the names of the people involved to protect the embarrassed! On Monday, April 1 - April Fools’ Day, we’ll post the best stories.

The deadline to enter is 5 p.m., Friday, March 29.

Please send your stories and photos to [email protected]. Please include the names of the people in the picture, if you are able. Remember, this is all for a good laugh, not embarrass anyone. Thanks!

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