Share your ideas to celebrate Earth Day

Updated April 22, 2019
Share your ideas to celebrate Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, a moment of awareness recognized around the world. 

One the key ideals of our organization is operate in an economically and ecologically responsible manner. Each of our departments embrace this challenge in their daily operations. We're looking for any ideas that can expand that effort.

If you have any thoughts how we can interact more responsibly with the environment, please let us know. We want your ideas, no matter if they’re big or small. Your idea could be about the use a better coffee cup in the lunchroom or a defining a new process of how our city might handle industrial waste from our customers. 

All ideas will be forwarded to the proper staff who can consider and implement your idea.

Each year, Earth Day—April 22—marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.

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