Halloween usually evokes costumes crafted from creativity and imagination. One young man in Roseville decided to design his costume built from his inspiration. It turns out that a young boy named Dean is fascinated by Refuse Driver Art Jaimes (EU). We’ll let his mother tell the story…
“Thanks to Art, our son’s favorite day of the week is Tuesday - garbage pick-up day. Words cannot describe what this day means to our two-year-old, Dean. Everyone that Dean meets is immediately told of Art, his “Trashman.”
“Dean quickly describes how the trash cans go up and down and how he honks the horn. Art has made such a huge impact on our son that Dean wanted to dress up like his friend Art for Halloween. So of course we obliged. The smile on his face pushing around his trashcan has made complete strangers stop us on in our tracks to ask us the story behind the costume.”
Thank you Dean. Thank you Art. Happy Halloween to you and your families!